Thursday, July 29, 2010

Epiphone SG With Broken Headstock

This Epiphone SG was dropped at a music store and was thrown in the junk pile where my lucky brother picked it up and bought it for very little money to salvage the parts. He is a huge SG fan and has many so he figured spare parts would be good to have. When I caught wind of this I said "don't touch it, don't do anything, I will fixed it for you....."  He said "ok.....?!" I picked it up with the strings still attached and the head taped together to hold it near where it should be.  

Nice clean break makes for a good glue joint.

  Clear plexi-glass plate enables me to see the crack so I can line it up, and be able to see what I am doing.

I love hose clamps. I once bought plastic clamps that basically so the same thing. They all broke one by one. That is why I love the metal clamps. Of course I pad them with leather and what ever it takes to make them safe for the guitar.  Very hard leather makes a nice plate to clamp to, the pressure gets distributed evenly and the leather doesn't dent the softer woods.

Totally clamped. Once I can see the crack all lined up I add a piece of wood so I can apply more pressure than what a thin plexi-glass can handle. I like as many clamps as possible. I find that a couple clamps just don't evenly distribute the pressure. This is one place where more is better!

Finished. You can faintly see the crack. It lined up so well it did not stick out anywhere, you couldn't feel it on the sides. It was a perfect match. Makes for a very strong glue joint, no air gaps to weaken the joint. I don't do finish (paint) work, no spot finishing here. Most customers don't want to pay for that kind of work. If they did there are plenty of painters they could go to.

The truss rod cover will cover the only part that more obvious. From a distance you can't see the line. Happy brother! Brand new SG, plays awesome, and cost him next to nothing, after all he is my brother! My daughter and I were taken to dinner, very nice!                                                                       

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